Open Positions
Noelscher Consulting is constantly on the look for talented people. We seek candiates for our Security and Systems team at our office in Ulm, Germany. Please see our current Job Openings below.
Should you be interested in joining us, drop us an E-Mail at
jobs (at) noelscher (dot) com

Working Student - Part-Time / Internship / Thesis
Develop applications or perform research on our selected research-topics and applications. Learn from our experts and get started in the industry. You study computer science, electrical engineering or something similar and you are interested in Embedded Security. Ideally, you have completed a couple semesters already. Internally, we also offer select topics for your Bachelor/Master Thesis.
You study computer science, electrical engineering or a comparable engineering discipline. You may apply for part-time work (at least 16h per week) or for writing a research thesis (Bachelors, Masters) at Noelscher Consulting, as part of your studies.
As part of our team, you could be working on the following things:
- Perform testing activities for both systems and security applications
- Support us in conducting technical security reviews, penetration tests on embedded systems or embedded software
- Develop code for our internal tools
- Operate and maintain our infrastructure
- Operate and maintain specialized lab equipment
- Help us conduct trainings or workshops
Reach out to us, if at least one of the following things apply to you:
- You are very interested in learning more about Hardware Security or Reverse Engineering
- You have written software in C, C++ or Python before
- You'd like to apply Machine Learning, Fuzzing or Static Analysis Techniques as part of your thesis
- You have basic electrical engineering knowledge and you'd like to build hardware, together with our experts
- Speaking and writing in English is not an issue for you
How to apply?
Simply send us an email and introduce yourself - please attach your CV and feel free to include anything else that you'd like to show us, such as certificates, links to your work, recommendations etc.
We're looking forward to hearing from you!